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Why workplace management?

Aligning workplace to your commercial goals.

gif of types of workplaces
hi-visibility workplace

Hi-Visibility Workplace

These workplaces need Customers to access the facilities for organisations to be able to serve them and to generate revenue. The workspace is therefore highly visible and central to the creation of the desired Customer experience. These facilities need to reflect a 3-D representation of the desired brand.

Typically, these workplaces include shopping malls, retail shops, schools, universities, hospitals, stadia and even public transport facilities.

hi-touch workplace

Hi-Touch Workplace

These workplaces need to support the working activities of employees as their primary purpose. These environments are increasingly supporting knowledge workers. Knowledge workers need a variety of different work settings to maximise their productivity.

The currency of these workplaces is employee experience. The workplace enables the human production line and the organisations competitive advantage.

hi-tech worklplace

Hi-Tech Workplace

These workplaces are predominantly concerned with maintaining the physical ‘hard’ assets that support production. Whilst people will be part of this, the focus of the workplace is on physical, mechanical or electrical assets, their operation, maintenance, and lifecycle.

Typically, these workplaces include most industrial type premises such as factories, warehouses, power stations and more modern type premises such as data centres.

All workplaces and their users need the provision of a conducive space, environment, and services to be productive. Workplaces need to be viewed holistically to ensure that their Environmental, Functional and Cultural components are aligned.
Understanding the model above helps us to recognise that there are fundamental differences in the focus of different workplaces, their output and the requirements needed in servicing them, ultimately allowing us to craft workplaces that work for you.


Does a High Impact Workplace that is streamlined, cost effective, efficient and that supports your strategic objectives seem like a tantalising ideal that dangles just out of reach?

If so then:

We provide a comprehensive consultancy and advisory service to owner/occupier clients in establishing and implementing Integrated Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM) strategies linked to the organisational strategy and business objectives.
We do this using our bespoke and holistic Experiential Workplace Management-360° (EWM-360) Blueprint to ensure the optimisation of its operating costs and maximise the commercial benefits of your Workplace to position your businesses for growth and resiliency?
At WorkplaceFundi IWFM is not just about facilities, infrastructure, and properties… It’s about how these can deliver the optimum environment for the employees to do their best work, whilst providing a calculated Return on Investment in the Workplace.
Is your workplace Future Ready?

Leaders Workplace Assessment.

1. Non-Experiential
2. Emergent Organization
3. Engaged, Empowered or Enabled
4. Pre-Experiential Organization
5. Experiential Organization
  • 1 – Non-Experiential

  • 2 – Emerging

  • 3 – Engaged, Enabled or experienced

  • 4 – Pre-Experiential

  • 5 – Experiential

This Leaders assessment measures how well your organisation invests in the experiences of their people, measuring over 3 scientifically proved areas:§

Empower People with Choice - Empowering employees is important for growing a sustainable business. True growth is the product of multiple people working together compounding organisational strength and capabilities.

Enhance Place through Experience - Expectations for a satisfying, productive experience are higher than ever. EWM-360 is the response to these expectations, providing a more nuanced approach to the overall workplace experience.

Enact Purpose through process - A purposeful workplace conveys a regard for corporate social responsibility, the environment, health, and wellness, and diversity, equity, and inclusion.

The WorkplaceFundi Leaders Assessment tool looks at the most important variables across these domains. These variables include the factors that matter most to employees and those that can be used as data inputs into a model that can determine the likely return on your financial investment in the Workplace, in terms of organisational improvement, individual productivity, employee wellbeing absenteeism, talent attraction and retention.

Go on give it a spin and see where your workplace is on the path to an Experiential Workplace.

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